A complete Solution to keep your Brain safe this summer: SUNDAY MIRROR

          The scorching heat is a big test for your body. The physiology of your body deteriorates at high temperatures. It’s a big stress to both the heart and brain. Heart attack and stroke are common in hot days. American Heart Association journal Stroke concluded that hot temperatures seem to increase the immediate risk of having a clot-caused ischemic stroke, the most common type of stroke. Several researchers say the 1-degree rise in temperature increases the chance of brain damage.

         Heat regulation in humans is all about blood flow. A healthy body sheds heat by pushing blood to the skin. We also sweat, and sweat carries more heat away as it evaporates. However excessive heat destabilizes the equilibrium. It causes a dangerous situation for both the heart and brain.

Signs of Heat-Induced Brain Injury

        Signs of heat exhaustion include headache, dizziness, weakness, nausea, and cool, moist skin. It can be treated by moving out of the heat or using a damp cloth to cool off. If symptoms don’t improve within an hour, seek medical attention. Heat stroke is more severe. Symptoms include a rapid, strong pulse; body temperature above 103 F; and red, hot, dry skin. That’s a medical emergency. While it is well established that heat impacts brain function, the exact mechanisms are poorly understood.

How to take care of your brain in excessive heat

1: Take sufficient water

A good amount of water intake helps in hydration. Hydration helps in cooling down the internal milieu of the body. It increases cutaneous circulation and helps in sweating. Sweating causes evaporation and cooling of the body. Take 3-4 liters of water. Drinking sufficient water will protect your brain from the heat of Summer.

Know the Importance of Drinking Water for the Brain.

2: Eat foods with high water content

Watermelon and Cucumber Salad

Opt for water-rich foods like fruits and vegetables to replenish electrolytes and prevent dehydration. Watermelon and cucumber are good food on hot summer days. Water rice is a good option. Watermelon Cucumber Salad acts as a super-food to protect your brain from hot summer.

For Recipe- Watermelon Cucumber Salad

Also, Know the Superfoods for your Brain

3: Say no to alcohol

Alcohol increases excessive stress on both the brain and stomach. So limit alcohol use in the hot summer.

4: Use loose dress

Wear loose, lightweight, light-colored clothing. Get covered while you go outside. They are a comfortable way to protect you from the hot summers.

5: Don’t eat heavy meals

Avoid heavy meals. When your body is straining to push blood to the skin, that’s not the best time to eat a big meal that will demand more blood from your digestive system. Take light meals that are easy to digest.

6: Decrease excess screen time

Too much exposure to electronic devices like smartphones and computers isn’t good during extreme heat. Mental fatigue from excessive screen time may be exacerbated by heat and the effects of excessive screen time on your body. It increases unusual stress in the brain.

7: Sleep well

Many people get less sleep due to hot weather. Sleep is necessary for the brain in heat waves. Sleep adequately 7/8 hours a day.

Temperature is increasing day by day. Save your brain from excessive heat. Please read and share.

Happy Sunday!!

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