Know the Superfoods to Increase Your Brainpower: SUNDAY MIRROR

        This Sunday let us discuss the top 10 brainfoods that will help you take care of your brain in a better way. Just as there is no magic pill to prevent memory decline, no single food can ensure a sharp brain after aging. A healthy dietary pattern includes many fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains. Try to get protein from plant sources and fish and choose healthy fats, such as olive oil or canola, rather than saturated fats. The best brain foods are those which keep your heart healthy.

     The food you eat is the fuel on which your brain runs. Brain-boosting foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants nourish your brain and protect it from oxidative stress and aging. Some common nutrients help in better brain power. They contain antioxidants, vitamin B, healthy fats, and Omega fatty acids. We have compiled a list of the ten best foods that improve memory that will help your brain function at its peak and slow down cognitive decline as you age.

To know about the foods that prevent Memory Loss: Click Here

The 10 Brain foods:

Green leafy vegetables

Kale, spinach, lettuce, broccoli, green leaves, etc. there is an endless number of leafy greens that make for great food for the brain. These contain antioxidants, nutrients, and vitamins that support better brain health and slow down cognitive decline. They contain lutein and folate, which reduce inflammation in the brain and fight memory loss. This makes it a super food for the brain.

Grains & nuts

Whole grains have a low glycemic index (the rate at which specific foods release sugar into the bloodstream) in comparison to fine components. Thus, they break down slowly in your body and release sugar gradually, allowing your brain to function more effectively. Along with they are the storehouse of fibers. Which helps in clearing toxic chemicals from the body. Whole grain bread, pasta, quinoa seeds, oatmeal, brown rice etc.


The caffeine in coffee can help boost your brain’s overall functioning. It’s an efficient neurostimulator. It is also a rich source of antioxidants promoting better brain health as you age. Research also reveals that life-long consumption of coffee can protect from memory loss of your brain.


Berries like strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and mulberries reduce oxidative stress. Study reveals that the antioxidants present in berries can help in the improvement of communication between brain cells and help in the prevention of brain atrophy.

Dark chocolate

With powerful antioxidants and natural stimulants like caffeine, dark chocolate can help not just improve your memory and focus but also your mood. The flavonoids in dark chocolate assist with learning and memory, while its antioxidants prevent cognitive decline. They also help in brain stimulation.

Fish & eggs

Eggs provide several essential nutrients that make them an excellent brain food. It contains vitamins B-6B-12, and folic acid along with proteins. Regular consumption of eggs can protect your brain from shrinking and delay cognitive decline. Additionally, the egg yolk is a great source of choline, known for improving brain function and memory.


Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that protects your brain cells from aging. It also helps prevent mental disorders such as depression, stress, and anxiety along with improvement of immunity. It also contains fibers. Some other fruits and vegetables are rich in Vitamin C including Guavas, tomatoes, bell peppers, etc.


Turmeric, the powerful golden anti-inflammatory spice, improves memory and brain function. Curcumin is known to have low bioavailability (meaning your body doesn’t easily absorb much of it), so you may be better off using supplements than relying on spice for these benefits. If turmeric is already an everyday ingredient for you, remember to add some black pepper, which will help your body absorb the curcumin. Both are good antioxidants.

Olive oil

Soy products are rich in protein and antioxidants. They help in the accumulation of good fat. The best-preferred cooking oil is extra virgin olive oil. Even more, studies have shown that EVOO is associated with improved memory and cognition. More often than not, opt to cook with olive oil to reap the benefits of this food which is healthy for the brain.

Pumpkin seeds

They are a rich source of micronutrients that are linked to brain health, learning, and memory. It may be helpful to snack on pumpkin seeds for better health. They also contain antioxidants, which may help with memory enhancement.

These are the top 10 best brain foods to keep your brain healthy. Comment down your favorite brain food and suggest some more superfoods that help the brain.

Also, know how WATER helps your brain: Know More

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